Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Summers are hot, and swimming is a fun way to spend time as a family or with friends. There’s nothing more fun for children than to spend time splashing around in the water and catching some raysOne tip I always give parents: if you are having people over, make sure there is a designated adult watching the swimmers at all times; that way no one is ever assuming someone else is doing it. As a parent myself, I have made sure to equip my children with essential water safety skills so that they can have an enjoyable swimming experience every time. Like  no running on the deck! Following, are a few additional summer pool safety tips! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful summer ☀️

Water Safety Tips 

  • Supervise children when they’re in or near the water 
  • Always choose a Designated Adult 
  • Stay away from pool drains 
  • Enter the water feet first 
  • Don’t allow children to play Breathing Games under the water  
  • Enroll your children in Swim Lessons  
  • Never swim alone  
  • Always wear sunblock